Exchange MATIC to BNB

Fast, secure and privacy-oriented MATIC to BNB exchange. Swap MATIC to BNB at the best exchange rate with Exolix.

Exchange MATIC to BNB instantly on Exolix

Even though the Polygon token (MATIC) had one of the best launches in terms of initial capitalization and demonstrated steady growth for several years, Binance Coin seems to be winning the contest due to its higher popularity and several technical know-hows. For instance, BNB supports more than one million transactions per second, thus, completely overshadowing MATIC, which is unable to go faster than 65 000 transactions per second. Furthermore, it has a much greater capitalization volume, which significantly reduces its vulnerability in the market.

How to convert MATIC to BNB?

Hence, if you are looking for a solution on how to swap MATIC to BNB, the decision seems more than adequate. As for the nuances of the transaction itself, you should not worry — Exolix will take care of that. To convert MATIC to BNB follow this guide:

  1. Find the “You Send” field and select MATIC from the list.
  2. Select BNB from the list in the “You Get” field.
  3. Type how many MATIC tokens you want to spend.
  4. Send them to the newly generated wallet address.
  5. Wait 15 minutes until the swap is done.
  6. Check the details of your transaction on the display.

Polygon to Binance Coin exchange rate

Now that you know how to convert MATIC to BNB, it is time to consider the numerous benefits of Exolix. When making transactions through our platform you may use the following advantages:

  • Limitless transactions. That’s right. You are free to convert as many tokens as you consider reasonable: Exolix has no upper limits.
  • Lucrative conditions: our system automatically finds the best terms for each cryptocurrency exchange.
  • You may select fixed or floating rates. The former eliminates the risks of volatility during the exchange, whereas the latter allows you to deal with prices in real-time.
  • Complete anonymity: all details of each and every MATIC to BNB swap remain secure. We don’t require your personal data for transactions.

Swap MATIC to BNB at the best rates

Finally, before you decide to convert MATIC to BNB, you may wish to consider the pros of our affiliate program. Simple and efficient, it allows you to get up to 2% of all affiliated swaps.


Convert Polygon to BNB easily on Exolix. Swap MATIC to BNB at the best trade rates and 24/7 customer support.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is verification required for the MATIC to BNB exchange?dropwdown arrow icon

No, Exolix is a secure and anonymous crypto exchange service.

Are there additional MATIC to BNB swap fees?dropwdown arrow icon

The service does not charge any hidden or unreasonable fees.