Exchange Monero (XMR) at the best rate

Monero price chart

Monero (XMR) Price live, Cryptocurrency Monero Price (USD), Market Cap and Supply

Live prices changes of Monero. Highs and lows Monero current prices.

Coin info
Coin info
24h Volume$27891534.43
Coin info
Market Cap$2862474462.16
Coin info
Coin supply-
Coin info
24h % price-4.94%
Coin info

The first generation of cryptocurrencies was indeed designed to provide more privacy in the already crowded digital universe. Unfortunately, these pioneers were far from perfect in this respect. Monero (XMR) is the first fully functional solution capable of counterbalancing Bitcoin’s drawbacks. Thanks to its advanced cryptographic protocols, innovative security features, and dynamic stability, Monero (XMR) quickly became one of the most popular solutions on the market — an achievement evidently reflected by the XMR price chart. Hence, if you are interested in such a unique and promising token, visit Exolix where you can learn how to buy XMR and exchange XMR in less than half an hour.

How to buy Monero (XMR)?

Exolix was created to provide the best conditions for swift and anonymous cryptocurrency transactions. It gives you unlimited access to seamless XMR exchange to more than 400 diverse cryptocurrency assets. Here you can swap Monero (XMR) without volume restrictions or any significant delays.

How to sell Monero (XMR)?

Here is a simple guide that will be of use to those users who want to know how to sell XMR without making any errors:

  1. Find XMR in the list of provided assets.
  2. In the opposite column specify what coins you wish to get.
  3. Enter the number of XMR coins you are willing to part with.
  4. Determine the conversion rate. Keep in mind that the quantity of obtained coins will be determined by the XMR price along with the chosen fee.
  5. Deposit your XMR tokens into the provided wallet address.
  6. Wait 15 minutes.

That is all! Now you can swap XMR further or use them for future investments.

Exchange XMR with lowest fees

Before you decide to convert XMR or purchase a surplus of coins, consider participating in our special affiliate program. This feature will be of special interest to those traders who prefer to convert many coins via the chosen platform. Why? Affiliate partners receive up to 2% share from all associated deals, which means that an increase in the exchange volume and the number of exchanges themselves will bring them higher additional profits.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to buy Monero (XMR)?dropwdown arrow icon

Exolix was created to provide the best conditions for swift and anonymous cryptocurrency transactions. It gives you unlimited access to seamless XMR exchange to more than 400 diverse cryptocurrency assets. Here you can swap Monero (XMR) without volume restrictions or any significant delays.

How to sell Monero (XMR)?dropwdown arrow icon

Here is a simple guide that will be of use to those users who want to know how to sell XMR without making any errors: 1. Find XMR in the list of provided assets. 2. In the opposite column specify what coins you wish to get. 3. Enter the number of XMR coins you are willing to part with. 4. Determine the conversion rate. Keep in mind that the quantity of obtained coins will be determined by the XMR price along with the chosen fee. 5. Deposit your XMR tokens into the provided wallet address. 6. Wait 15 minutes. That is all! Now you can swap the obtained coins further or use them for future investments.