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Instant exchange API

Exolix API provides an opportunity to get an access to the services of Exolix platform.
You can request more features by contacting our developers team [email protected].
Basic info

All request should use the domain:

API URL: https://exolix.com/api/v2

All request to be executed using HTTPS and following parameters should be used in headers:

Request parameters:

Authorization process

For some requests, you need an authorization key.
Of course, there are requests for which authorization is not mandatory, but it is needed to access some functions (assigning transactions to the user’s personal account).

These parameters should be used in headers to set up API authorization:

Request parameters:

Authorization{API Key}

*You must replace {API Key} with your personal API key.

You can get {API Key} after register or sending a request to Exolix support team - [email protected]

For "affiliate program" please pass the authorization headers to all requests.


List of available currencies

GET: https://exolix.com/api/v2/currencies

This API endpoint returns the paginated list of available currencies.


NameTypeRequired or optionalDescription
optionalCurrent page
optionalSize per page
optionalSearch by currency code or name
optionalShow currency with networks:
  • true
  • false Default

Successful response fields:

dataarrayList of items
    codestringCurrency code
    namestringCurrency name
    iconstringCurrency icon
    notesstringCurrency notes
    networksarrayList of currency networks
*Only withNetworks=true
        networkstringNetwork code
        namestringNetwork name
        shortNamestringNetwork short name
        addresRegexstring | nullAddress regex
        notesstringNetwork notes
        isDefaultbooleanIs network default
        decimalnumber | nullDecimal
        iconstring | nullIcon
        blockExplorerstring | nullLink to explorer
        depositMinAmountnumber | nullNetwork minimum amount to deposit
        memoNeededbooleanNetwork has extra ID
        memoNamestring | nullNetwork extra name
        memoRegexstring | nullMemo regex
        precisionbooleanNetwork precision
        contractstring | nullContract address
countintCount of items

Example request:

GET: https://exolix.com/api/v2/currencies?page=1&size=1

Example response:

  "data": [
      "code": "BTC",
      "name": "Bitcoin",
      "icon": "https://exolix.com/public/coins/BTC.png",
      "notes": ""
  "count": 547

Get currency networks

GET: https://exolix.com/api/v2/currencies/{code}/networks

This API endpoint returns networks by currency code.


NameTypeRequired or optionalDescription
requiredCurrency code

Successful response fields:

networkstringNetwork code
namestringNetwork name
shortNamestringNetwork short name
notesstring | nullNetwork notes
addresRegexstring | nullAddress regex
isDefaultbooleanIs network default
blockExplorerstring | nullLink to explorer
depositMinAmountnumber | nullNetwork minimum amount to deposit
memoNeededbooleanNetwork has extra ID
memoNamestring | nullNetwork extra name
memoRegexstring | nullMemo regex
decimalnumber | nullDecimal
precisionbooleanNetwork precision
contractstring | nullContract address
iconstring | nullIcon

Example request:

GET: https://exolix.com/api/v2/currencies/eth/networks

Example response:

    "network": "ETH",
    "name": "Ethereum (ERC20)",
    "shortName": "ERC20",
    "notes": null,
    "isDefault": true,
    "addressRegex": "^(0x)[0-9A-Fa-f]{40}$",
    "blockExplorer": null,
    "depositMinAmount": null,
    "memoNeeded": false,
    "memoName": null,
    "memoRegex": null,
    "precision": 8,
    "decimal": null,
    "contract": "0xeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee",
    "icon": "https://exolix.com/icons/coins/ETH.png"

Rate for a specific currency

GET: https://exolix.com/api/v2/rate

This API endpoint returns amount that user will get, current rate, minimal payment amount required to make an exchange.


NameTypeRequired or optionalDescription
requiredCurrency to exchange from
optionalNetwork to exchange from
requiredCurrency to exchange to
optionalNetwork to exchange to
requiredAmount of currency you are going to send
optionalAmount of currency you are going to get
requiredThe type of the coin rate:
  • float - Floating
  • fixed - Fixed Default

Successful response fields:

fromAmountnumberAmount sent
toAmountnumberAmount you will receive
ratenumberExchange rate
messagestring|nullTransaction message
minAmountnumberMinimal payment amount
withdrawMinnumberMinimal amount to withdraw
maxAmountnumberMaximum payment amount

Example request:

GET: https://exolix.com/api/v2/rate?coinFrom=ETH&coinTo=USDT&networkTo=ETH&amount=0.5&rateType=fixed

Example response:

  "fromAmount": 0.5,
  "toAmount": 502.352518,
  "rate": 1004.705036,
  "minAmount": 0.3717403,
  "withdrawMin": 3.24760808882742,
  "maxAmount": 31811.44515,

List of transaction history

GET: https://exolix.com/api/v2/transactions

This API endpoint return a paginated list of transaction history.


NameTypeRequired or optionalDescription
optionalCurrent page
optionalSize per page
optionalSearch by transaction id
optionalSort by field
optionalOrder (asc|desc)
optionalFilter from date
optionalFilter to date
optionalFilter by status

Successful response fields:

dataarrayList of items
    idstringTransaction ID
    amountnumberAmount sent
    amountTonumberThe amount received
    coinFromobjectCurrency to exchange from
        coinCodestringCurrency from code
        coinNamestringCurrency from name
        networkstringCurrency from network
        networkNamestringCurrency from network name
        networkShortNamestring | nullCurrency from network short name
        iconstringCurrency from icon
        memoNamestring | nullCurrency from extra name
    coinToobjectCurrency to exchange to
        coinCodestringCurrency to code
        coinNamestringCurrency to name
        networkstringCurrency to network
        networkNamestringCurrency to network name
        networkShortNamestring | nullCurrency to network short name
        iconstringCurrency to icon
        memoNamestring | nullCurrency to extra name
    commentstring | nullAdditional information about the transaction
    createdAtdateDate of creation
    depositAddressstringAddress to send coins to
    depositExtraIdstring | nullExtra ID for depositAddress in case it is required
    withdrawalAddressstringAddress where the exchange result will be sent to
    withdrawalExtraIdstringExtra ID for withdrawalAddress in case it is required
    hashInobjectHash In
        hashstring | nullHash In value
        linkstring | nullHash In link
    hashOutobjectHash Out
        hashstring | nullHash Out value
        linkstring | nullHash Out link
    ratenumberExchange rate
    rateTypestringThe type of the coin rate:
  • float - Floating
  • fixed - Fixed Default
    refundAddressstring | nullAddress for refund
    refundExtraIdstringExtra ID for refund address
    statusstringTransaction status:
  • wait
  • confirmation
  • confirmed
  • exchanging
  • sending
  • success
  • overdue
  • refunded
    sourcestringTransaction source:
  • api
  • referral
countintCount of items

Example request:

GET: https://exolix.com/api/v2/transactions?page=1&size=25

Example response:

"data": [
    "id": "xxx891xxxbab45xx789282",
    "amount": 0.0025,
    "amountTo": 0.03358776,
    "coinFrom": {
      "coinCode": "BTC",
      "coinName": "Bitcoin",
      "network": "BTC",
      "networkName": "Bitcoin",
      "networkShortName": null,
      "icon": "https://exolix.com/public/coins/BTC.png",
      "memoName": null
    "coinTo": {
      "coinCode": "ETH",
      "coinName": "Ethereum",
      "network": "ETH",
      "networkName": "Ethereum (ERC20)",
      "networkShortName": "ERC20",
      "icon": "https://exolix.com/public/coins/ETH.png",
      "memoName": null
    "comment": null,
    "createdAt": "2022-05-12T11:37:56.122Z",
    "depositAddress": "bcxxxxaag52vkxxxxgdqtgxxxxxxylktwja",
    "depositExtraId": null,
    "withdrawalAddress": "0xxxxxxaf5739f8FC9DXXXXf973941xX88F",
    "withdrawalExtraId": "",
    "hashIn": {
      "hash": null,
      "link": null
    "hashOut": {
      "hash": null,
      "link": null
    "rate": 13.435104,
    "rateType": "fixed",
    "refundAddress": null,
    "refundExtraId": null,
    "status": "overdue",
    "source": "api"
"count": 1

Get exchange transaction info

GET: https://exolix.com/api/v2/transactions/{id}

This API endpoint returns the information of a single transaction.
Transaction ID is taken from the "Create exchange transaction" endpoint.


NameTypeRequired or optionalDescription
requiredTransaction ID from "Create exchange transaction" request

Successful response fields:

idstringTransaction ID
amountnumberAmount sent
amountTonumberThe amount received
coinFromobjectCurrency to exchange from
    coinCodestringCurrency from code
    coinNamestringCurrency from name
    networkstringCurrency from network
    networkNamestringCurrency from network name
    networkShortNamestring | nullCurrency from network short name
    iconstringCurrency from icon
    memoNamestringCurrency from extra name
coinToobjectCurrency to exchange to
    coinCodestringCurrency to code
    coinNamestringCurrency to name
    networkstringCurrency to network
    networkNamestringCurrency to network name
    networkShortNamestring | nullCurrency to network short name
    iconstringCurrency to icon
    memoNamestringCurrency to extra name
commentstring | nullAdditional information about the transaction
createdAtdateDate of creation
depositAddressstringAddress to send coins to
depositExtraIdstring | nullExtra ID for depositAddress in case it is required
withdrawalAddressstringAddress where the exchange result will be sent to
withdrawalExtraIdstringExtra ID for withdrawalAddress in case it is required
hashInobjectHash In
    hashstring | nullHash In value
    linkstring | nullHash In link
hashOutobjectHash Out
    hashstringHash Out value
    linkstringHash Out link
ratenumberExchange rate
rateTypestringThe type of the coin rate:
  • float - Floating
  • fixed - Fixed Default
refundAddressstring | nullAddress for refund
refundExtraIdstring | nullExtra ID for refund address
statusstringTransaction status:
  • wait
  • confirmation
  • confirmed
  • exchanging
  • sending
  • success
  • overdue
  • refunded

Example request:

GET: https://exolix.com/api/v2/transactions/ab93061434dd0s

Example response:

  "id": "ab93061434dd0s",
  "amount": 0.64,
  "amountTo": 0.06584184,
  "coinFrom": {
    "coinCode": "XMR",
    "coinName": "Monero",
    "network": "XMR",
    "networkName": "Monero",
    "networkShortName": null,
    "icon": "https://exolix.com/public/coins/XMR.png",
    "memoName": null
  "coinTo": {
    "coinCode": "ETH",
    "coinName": "Ethereum",
    "network": "ETH",
    "networkName": "Ethereum (ERC20)",
    "networkShortName": "ERC20",
    "icon": "https://exolix.com/public/coins/ETH.png",
    "memoName": null
  "comment": null,
  "createdAt": "2022-06-02T05:56:59.719Z",
  "depositAddress": "8Ac94Ag5AHWJ6UTNhhsxxxVenseJZE1YtSWCEVUkCwjkANaGUtCTBjo51cxxxefLn47RxfMTLhj2dfVix6xDqBmY847F4CK",
  "depositExtraId": null,
  "withdrawalAddress": "0x999e78a3c0xdx8464e0d96xxx0cf33a82d41a153",
  "withdrawalExtraId": "",
  "hashIn": {
    "hash": "6eb14e310e83d68b5xxxc779159a0776e9bae39e3c2f9xxea5138a23bb75c4b6",
    "link": "https://xxx.xx/bitcoin/transaction/6eb14e310e83d68b5xxxc779159a0776e9bae39e3c2f9xxea5138a23bb75c4b6"
  "hashOut": {
    "hash": null,
    "link": null
  "rate": 0.10287788,
  "rateType": "float",
  "refundAddress": null,
  "refundExtraId": null,
  "status": "exchanging"

Create exchange transaction

POST: https://exolix.com/api/v2/transactions

This API endpoint creates a transaction, generates an address for sending funds and returns transaction attributes.

Body fields:

PropertyTypeRequired or optionalDescription
coinFromstringrequiredCurrency to exchange from
networkFromstringrequiredNetwork to exchange from
coinTostringrequiredCurrency to exchange to
networkTostringrequiredNetwork to exchange to
amountnumericrequiredAmount of currency to send
withdrawalAmountnumericoptionalAmount of currency to get
withdrawalAddressstringrequiredAddress where the exchange result will be sent to
withdrawalExtraIdstringoptionalExtra ID for withdrawalAddress in case it is required
rateTypestringoptionalThe type of the coin rate:
  • float - Floating
  • fixed - Fixed Default
refundAddressstringoptionalAddress for refund
refundExtraIdstringoptionalExtra ID for refund address

Successful response fields:

idstringTransaction ID
amountnumberAmount sent
amountTonumberThe amount received
coinFromobjectCurrency to exchange from
    coinCodestringCurrency from code
    coinNamestringCurrency from name
    networkstringCurrency from network
    networkNamestringCurrency from network name
    networkShortNamestring | nullCurrency from network short name
    iconstringCurrency from icon
    memoNamestringCurrency from extra name
coinToobjectCurrency to exchange to
    coinCodestringCurrency to code
    coinNamestringCurrency to name
    networkstringCurrency to network
    networkNamestringCurrency to network name
    networkShortNamestring | nullCurrency to network short name
    iconstringCurrency to icon
    memoNamestringCurrency to extra name
commentstring | nullAdditional information about the transaction
createdAtdateDate of creation
depositAddressstringAddress to send coins to
depositExtraIdstring | nullExtra ID for depositAddress in case it is required
withdrawalAddressstringAddress where the exchange result will be sent to
withdrawalExtraIdstringExtra ID for withdrawalAddress in case it is required
hashInobjectHash In
    hashstring | nullHash In value
    linkstring | nullHash In link
hashOutobjectHash Out
    hashstringHash Out value
    linkstringHash Out link
ratenumberExchange rate
rateTypestringThe type of the coin rate:
  • float - Floating
  • fixed - Fixed Default
refundAddressstring | nullAddress for refund
refundExtraIdstring | nullExtra ID for refund address
statusstringTransaction status:
  • wait
  • confirmation
  • confirmed
  • exchanging
  • sending
  • success
  • overdue
  • refunded

Example request:

POST: https://exolix.com/api/v2/transactions

  "coinFrom": "ETH",
  "coinTo": "USDT",
  "networkFrom": "ETH",
  "networkTo": "ETH",
  "amount": 0.5,
  "withdrawalAddress": "0x0E29D1E501f90649Ad5982E900c455006e4522FC",
  "withdrawalExtraId": "",
  "refundAddress": "0x0070BeBe9E30429437bD9c84C731031c27Fc7955",
  "refundExtraId": "",
  "rateType": "float"

Example response:

  "id": "dsd8f65609bb20",
  "amount": 0.5,
  "amountTo": 505.631486,
  "coinFrom": {
    "coinCode": "ETH",
    "coinName": "Ethereum",
    "network": "ETH",
    "networkName": "Ethereum (ERC20)",
    "networkShortName": "ERC20",
    "icon": "https://exolix.com/public/coins/ETH.png",
    "memoName": null
  "coinTo": {
    "coinCode": "USDT",
    "coinName": "TetherUS",
    "network": "ETH",
    "networkName": "Ethereum (ERC20)",
    "networkShortName": "ERC20",
    "icon": "https://exolix.com/public/coins/USDT.png",
    "memoName": null
  "comment": null,
  "createdAt": "2022-06-02T12:45:37.623Z",
  "depositAddress": "0xDb3B8a6dd4ddfDCA3330eaebc1a20aF26fDbbCfa",
  "depositExtraId": null,
  "withdrawalAddress": "0x0E29D1E501q90649Adss982E90dd455006e4522FC",
  "withdrawalExtraId": "",
  "refundAddress": "0x0070BeBe9E30429437bD9c84C731031c27Fc7955",
  "refundExtraId": "",
  "hashIn": {
    "hash": null,
    "link": null
  "hashOut": {
    "hash": null,
    "link": null
  "rate": 1011.262972,
  "rateType": "float",
  "refundAddress": null,
  "refundExtraId": null,
  "status": "wait"
API Version

Please always use our Current API version!

API Current: https://exolix.com/developers

API v1 [Deprecated]: https://exolix.com/developers/v1