All request should use the domain:
All request to be executed using HTTPS and following parameters should be used in headers:
Request parameters:
Headers | |
Accept | application/json |
Content-Type | application/json |
For some requests, you need an authorization key.
Of course, there are requests for which authorization is not mandatory, but it is needed to access some functions (assigning transactions to the user’s personal account).
These parameters should be used in headers to set up API authorization:
Request parameters:
Headers | |
Authorization | {API Key} |
*You must replace {API Key} with your personal API key.
You can get {API Key} after register or sending a request to Exolix support team - [email protected]
For "affiliate program" please pass the authorization headers to all requests.
This API endpoint returns the paginated list of available currencies.
Name | Type | Required or optional | Description |
page | number (query) | optional | Current page |
size | number (query) | optional | Size per page |
search | string (query) | optional | Search by currency code or name |
withNetworks | boolean (query) | optional | Show currency with networks:
Successful response fields:
Name | Type | Description |
data | array | List of items |
code | string | Currency code |
name | string | Currency name |
icon | string | Currency icon |
notes | string | Currency notes |
networks | array | List of currency networks *Only withNetworks=true |
network | string | Network code |
name | string | Network name |
shortName | string | Network short name |
addresRegex | string | null | Address regex |
notes | string | Network notes |
isDefault | boolean | Is network default |
decimal | number | null | Decimal |
icon | string | null | Icon |
blockExplorer | string | null | Link to explorer |
depositMinAmount | number | null | Network minimum amount to deposit |
memoNeeded | boolean | Network has extra ID |
memoName | string | null | Network extra name |
memoRegex | string | null | Memo regex |
precision | boolean | Network precision |
contract | string | null | Contract address |
count | int | Count of items |
Example request:
Example response:
"data": [
"code": "BTC",
"name": "Bitcoin",
"icon": "",
"notes": ""
"count": 547
This API endpoint returns networks by currency code.
Name | Type | Required or optional | Description |
code | string (path) | required | Currency code |
Successful response fields:
Name | Type | Description |
network | string | Network code |
name | string | Network name |
shortName | string | Network short name |
notes | string | null | Network notes |
addresRegex | string | null | Address regex |
isDefault | boolean | Is network default |
blockExplorer | string | null | Link to explorer |
depositMinAmount | number | null | Network minimum amount to deposit |
memoNeeded | boolean | Network has extra ID |
memoName | string | null | Network extra name |
memoRegex | string | null | Memo regex |
decimal | number | null | Decimal |
precision | boolean | Network precision |
contract | string | null | Contract address |
icon | string | null | Icon |
Example request:
Example response:
"network": "ETH",
"name": "Ethereum (ERC20)",
"shortName": "ERC20",
"notes": null,
"isDefault": true,
"addressRegex": "^(0x)[0-9A-Fa-f]{40}$",
"blockExplorer": null,
"depositMinAmount": null,
"memoNeeded": false,
"memoName": null,
"memoRegex": null,
"precision": 8,
"decimal": null,
"contract": "0xeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee",
"icon": ""
This API endpoint returns amount that user will get, current rate, minimal payment amount required to make an exchange.
Name | Type | Required or optional | Description |
coinFrom | string (query) | required | Currency to exchange from |
networkFrom | string (query) | optional | Network to exchange from |
coinTo | string (query) | required | Currency to exchange to |
networkTo | string (query) | optional | Network to exchange to |
amount | string (query) | required | Amount of currency you are going to send |
withdrawalAmount | string (query) | optional | Amount of currency you are going to get |
rateType | string (query) | required | The type of the coin rate:
Successful response fields:
Name | Type | Description |
fromAmount | number | Amount sent |
toAmount | number | Amount you will receive |
rate | number | Exchange rate |
message | string|null | Transaction message |
minAmount | number | Minimal payment amount |
withdrawMin | number | Minimal amount to withdraw |
maxAmount | number | Maximum payment amount |
Example request:
Example response:
"fromAmount": 0.5,
"toAmount": 502.352518,
"rate": 1004.705036,
"minAmount": 0.3717403,
"withdrawMin": 3.24760808882742,
"maxAmount": 31811.44515,
This API endpoint return a paginated list of transaction history.
Name | Type | Required or optional | Description |
page | number (query) | optional | Current page |
size | number (query) | optional | Size per page |
search | string (query) | optional | Search by transaction id |
sort | string (query) | optional | Sort by field |
order | string (query) | optional | Order (asc|desc) |
dateFrom | datetime (query) | optional | Filter from date |
dateTo | datetime (query) | optional | Filter to date |
statuses | string (query) | optional | Filter by status |
Successful response fields:
Name | Type | Description |
data | array | List of items |
id | string | Transaction ID |
amount | number | Amount sent |
amountTo | number | The amount received |
coinFrom | object | Currency to exchange from |
coinCode | string | Currency from code |
coinName | string | Currency from name |
network | string | Currency from network |
networkName | string | Currency from network name |
networkShortName | string | null | Currency from network short name |
icon | string | Currency from icon |
memoName | string | null | Currency from extra name |
coinTo | object | Currency to exchange to |
coinCode | string | Currency to code |
coinName | string | Currency to name |
network | string | Currency to network |
networkName | string | Currency to network name |
networkShortName | string | null | Currency to network short name |
icon | string | Currency to icon |
memoName | string | null | Currency to extra name |
comment | string | null | Additional information about the transaction |
createdAt | date | Date of creation |
depositAddress | string | Address to send coins to |
depositExtraId | string | null | Extra ID for depositAddress in case it is required |
withdrawalAddress | string | Address where the exchange result will be sent to |
withdrawalExtraId | string | Extra ID for withdrawalAddress in case it is required |
hashIn | object | Hash In |
hash | string | null | Hash In value |
link | string | null | Hash In link |
hashOut | object | Hash Out |
hash | string | null | Hash Out value |
link | string | null | Hash Out link |
rate | number | Exchange rate |
rateType | string | The type of the coin rate:
refundAddress | string | null | Address for refund |
refundExtraId | string | Extra ID for refund address |
status | string | Transaction status:
source | string | Transaction source:
count | int | Count of items |
Example request:
Example response:
"data": [
"id": "xxx891xxxbab45xx789282",
"amount": 0.0025,
"amountTo": 0.03358776,
"coinFrom": {
"coinCode": "BTC",
"coinName": "Bitcoin",
"network": "BTC",
"networkName": "Bitcoin",
"networkShortName": null,
"icon": "",
"memoName": null
"coinTo": {
"coinCode": "ETH",
"coinName": "Ethereum",
"network": "ETH",
"networkName": "Ethereum (ERC20)",
"networkShortName": "ERC20",
"icon": "",
"memoName": null
"comment": null,
"createdAt": "2022-05-12T11:37:56.122Z",
"depositAddress": "bcxxxxaag52vkxxxxgdqtgxxxxxxylktwja",
"depositExtraId": null,
"withdrawalAddress": "0xxxxxxaf5739f8FC9DXXXXf973941xX88F",
"withdrawalExtraId": "",
"hashIn": {
"hash": null,
"link": null
"hashOut": {
"hash": null,
"link": null
"rate": 13.435104,
"rateType": "fixed",
"refundAddress": null,
"refundExtraId": null,
"status": "overdue",
"source": "api"
"count": 1
This API endpoint returns the information of a single transaction.
Transaction ID is taken from the "Create exchange transaction" endpoint.
Name | Type | Required or optional | Description |
id | string (path) | required | Transaction ID from "Create exchange transaction" request |
Successful response fields:
Name | Type | Description |
id | string | Transaction ID |
amount | number | Amount sent |
amountTo | number | The amount received |
coinFrom | object | Currency to exchange from |
coinCode | string | Currency from code |
coinName | string | Currency from name |
network | string | Currency from network |
networkName | string | Currency from network name |
networkShortName | string | null | Currency from network short name |
icon | string | Currency from icon |
memoName | string | Currency from extra name |
coinTo | object | Currency to exchange to |
coinCode | string | Currency to code |
coinName | string | Currency to name |
network | string | Currency to network |
networkName | string | Currency to network name |
networkShortName | string | null | Currency to network short name |
icon | string | Currency to icon |
memoName | string | Currency to extra name |
comment | string | null | Additional information about the transaction |
createdAt | date | Date of creation |
depositAddress | string | Address to send coins to |
depositExtraId | string | null | Extra ID for depositAddress in case it is required |
withdrawalAddress | string | Address where the exchange result will be sent to |
withdrawalExtraId | string | Extra ID for withdrawalAddress in case it is required |
hashIn | object | Hash In |
hash | string | null | Hash In value |
link | string | null | Hash In link |
hashOut | object | Hash Out |
hash | string | Hash Out value |
link | string | Hash Out link |
rate | number | Exchange rate |
rateType | string | The type of the coin rate:
refundAddress | string | null | Address for refund |
refundExtraId | string | null | Extra ID for refund address |
status | string | Transaction status:
Example request:
Example response:
"id": "ab93061434dd0s",
"amount": 0.64,
"amountTo": 0.06584184,
"coinFrom": {
"coinCode": "XMR",
"coinName": "Monero",
"network": "XMR",
"networkName": "Monero",
"networkShortName": null,
"icon": "",
"memoName": null
"coinTo": {
"coinCode": "ETH",
"coinName": "Ethereum",
"network": "ETH",
"networkName": "Ethereum (ERC20)",
"networkShortName": "ERC20",
"icon": "",
"memoName": null
"comment": null,
"createdAt": "2022-06-02T05:56:59.719Z",
"depositAddress": "8Ac94Ag5AHWJ6UTNhhsxxxVenseJZE1YtSWCEVUkCwjkANaGUtCTBjo51cxxxefLn47RxfMTLhj2dfVix6xDqBmY847F4CK",
"depositExtraId": null,
"withdrawalAddress": "0x999e78a3c0xdx8464e0d96xxx0cf33a82d41a153",
"withdrawalExtraId": "",
"hashIn": {
"hash": "6eb14e310e83d68b5xxxc779159a0776e9bae39e3c2f9xxea5138a23bb75c4b6",
"link": "https://xxx.xx/bitcoin/transaction/6eb14e310e83d68b5xxxc779159a0776e9bae39e3c2f9xxea5138a23bb75c4b6"
"hashOut": {
"hash": null,
"link": null
"rate": 0.10287788,
"rateType": "float",
"refundAddress": null,
"refundExtraId": null,
"status": "exchanging"
This API endpoint creates a transaction, generates an address for sending funds and returns transaction attributes.
Body fields:
Property | Type | Required or optional | Description |
coinFrom | string | required | Currency to exchange from |
networkFrom | string | required | Network to exchange from |
coinTo | string | required | Currency to exchange to |
networkTo | string | required | Network to exchange to |
amount | numeric | required | Amount of currency to send |
withdrawalAmount | numeric | optional | Amount of currency to get |
withdrawalAddress | string | required | Address where the exchange result will be sent to |
withdrawalExtraId | string | optional | Extra ID for withdrawalAddress in case it is required |
rateType | string | optional | The type of the coin rate:
refundAddress | string | optional | Address for refund |
refundExtraId | string | optional | Extra ID for refund address |
Successful response fields:
Name | Type | Description |
id | string | Transaction ID |
amount | number | Amount sent |
amountTo | number | The amount received |
coinFrom | object | Currency to exchange from |
coinCode | string | Currency from code |
coinName | string | Currency from name |
network | string | Currency from network |
networkName | string | Currency from network name |
networkShortName | string | null | Currency from network short name |
icon | string | Currency from icon |
memoName | string | Currency from extra name |
coinTo | object | Currency to exchange to |
coinCode | string | Currency to code |
coinName | string | Currency to name |
network | string | Currency to network |
networkName | string | Currency to network name |
networkShortName | string | null | Currency to network short name |
icon | string | Currency to icon |
memoName | string | Currency to extra name |
comment | string | null | Additional information about the transaction |
createdAt | date | Date of creation |
depositAddress | string | Address to send coins to |
depositExtraId | string | null | Extra ID for depositAddress in case it is required |
withdrawalAddress | string | Address where the exchange result will be sent to |
withdrawalExtraId | string | Extra ID for withdrawalAddress in case it is required |
hashIn | object | Hash In |
hash | string | null | Hash In value |
link | string | null | Hash In link |
hashOut | object | Hash Out |
hash | string | Hash Out value |
link | string | Hash Out link |
rate | number | Exchange rate |
rateType | string | The type of the coin rate:
refundAddress | string | null | Address for refund |
refundExtraId | string | null | Extra ID for refund address |
status | string | Transaction status:
Example request:
"coinFrom": "ETH",
"coinTo": "USDT",
"networkFrom": "ETH",
"networkTo": "ETH",
"amount": 0.5,
"withdrawalAddress": "0x0E29D1E501f90649Ad5982E900c455006e4522FC",
"withdrawalExtraId": "",
"refundAddress": "0x0070BeBe9E30429437bD9c84C731031c27Fc7955",
"refundExtraId": "",
"rateType": "float"
Example response:
"id": "dsd8f65609bb20",
"amount": 0.5,
"amountTo": 505.631486,
"coinFrom": {
"coinCode": "ETH",
"coinName": "Ethereum",
"network": "ETH",
"networkName": "Ethereum (ERC20)",
"networkShortName": "ERC20",
"icon": "",
"memoName": null
"coinTo": {
"coinCode": "USDT",
"coinName": "TetherUS",
"network": "ETH",
"networkName": "Ethereum (ERC20)",
"networkShortName": "ERC20",
"icon": "",
"memoName": null
"comment": null,
"createdAt": "2022-06-02T12:45:37.623Z",
"depositAddress": "0xDb3B8a6dd4ddfDCA3330eaebc1a20aF26fDbbCfa",
"depositExtraId": null,
"withdrawalAddress": "0x0E29D1E501q90649Adss982E90dd455006e4522FC",
"withdrawalExtraId": "",
"refundAddress": "0x0070BeBe9E30429437bD9c84C731031c27Fc7955",
"refundExtraId": "",
"hashIn": {
"hash": null,
"link": null
"hashOut": {
"hash": null,
"link": null
"rate": 1011.262972,
"rateType": "float",
"refundAddress": null,
"refundExtraId": null,
"status": "wait"
API Current:
API v1 [Deprecated]: