Exchange ETH to USDT

Fast, secure and privacy-oriented ETH to USDT exchange. Swap ETH to USDT at the best exchange rate with Exolix.

How to convert ETH to USDT?

You don’t have to be a professional to convert ETH to USDT. With Exolix you don’t have to deal with sophisticated graphs or worry about minuscule differences between exchange rates on different platforms. Our ETH to USDT converter will find you the most beneficial conditions and take care of all nuances automatically. All you have to do is follow this simple guide:

  1. Specify the tokens you wish to exchange (ETH and USDT).
  2. Specify the number of ETH tokens you wish to swap.
  3. Our ETH to USDT calculator will calculate the equivalent in USDT tokens.
  4. Send your ETH tokens to the wallet address generated for you by our algorithms.
  5. Wait for the end of the transaction (10-15 minutes, rarely more).
  6. Check the details of your successful transaction and get your USDT tokens.

Ethereum to Tether/USDT exchange rate

You can convert ETH to USDT without limits: although an increased number of tokens may slow down your swap a little. Exolix allows you to exchange as many tokens as you want without relying on multiple transactions, thus, saving your time and resources. However, double-check each transaction before the launch: all exchanges are irreversible and cannot be cancelled.

Swap ETH to USDT at the best rates

Remember that each time you make an ETH to USDT swap through Exolix, you may increase your profits by becoming an affiliate partner. We offer you up to 2% of passive income from all affiliated deals. Our affiliated program includes three options:

  • API-implementation.
  • Referral links.
  • Widgets.

Swap ETH to USDT

Convert Ethereum to TetherUS easily on Exolix. Swap ETH to USDT at the best trade rates and 24/7 customer support.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is verification required for the ETH to USDT exchange?dropwdown arrow icon

No, Exolix is a secure and anonymous crypto exchange service.

Are there additional ETH to USDT swap fees?dropwdown arrow icon

The service does not charge any hidden or unreasonable fees.