Exchange BUSD to LUNA

Fast, secure and privacy-oriented BUSD to LUNA exchange. Swap BUSD to LUNA at the best exchange rate with Exolix.

Exchange BUSD to LUNA instantly on Exolix

Do you want to learn how to swap BUSD to LUNA smoothly and simply? Do you wish to get the most beneficial conditions in the entire cryptocurrency market? Then you have come to the right place, for our platform offers you an opportunity to make the fastest transactions without sacrificing their safety and reliability. With Exolix you may convert any volume of cryptocurrencies: we guarantee you no upper limits and fast transactions regardless of the volume transferred through our platform. In addition, we allow our users to swap tokens without registration — a priceless feature when it comes to rapid exchanges in times of crisis.

How to convert BUSD to LUNA?

Here is a brief yet comprehensive guide that will teach you how to convert BUSD to LUNA on Exolix:

  1. Open the conversion window and designate the tokens (BUSD and LUNA).
  2. Enter the sum of BUSD coins that you wish to transfer.
  3. Click “Exchange”.
  4. Receive a deposit address automatically generated by the system.
  5. Deposit your BUSD tokens into the obtained wallet.
  6. The transaction will last no longer than 15 minutes.
  7. Congratulations! Your BUSD to LUNA conversion has been successfully finished.

Binance USD to Terra (LUNA) exchange rate

A conventional BUSD to LUNA exchange is a great way to diversify your investment strategy and try out new methods of backing up stablecoins. While Binance USD is supported by fiat money, Terra (LUNA) relies on algorithms aimed at the protection of its too fragile ecosystem. While this method remains a little bit unconventional, it represents a highly innovative strategy, which surely deserves your attention even though the LUNA exchange is not always optimal.

Swap BUSD to LUNA at the best rates

When transferring coins through our platform, you always obtain exceptionally the best deals from the entire pool of options, which are available in the market. This happens thanks to our beneficial algorithms. For instance, when you trade BUSD to LUNA, our BUSD to LUNA converter optimizes your deal automatically. Furthermore, we offer you an opportunity to swap coins in two different modes:

  • Floating rates;
  • Fixed rates, which significantly decrease unpredictable losses that occur due to market volatility.


Convert BUSD to Terra easily on Exolix. Swap BUSD to LUNA at the best trade rates and 24/7 customer support.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is verification required for the BUSD to LUNA exchange?dropwdown arrow icon

No, Exolix is a secure and anonymous crypto exchange service.

Are there additional BUSD to LUNA swap fees?dropwdown arrow icon

The service does not charge any hidden or unreasonable fees.