No, Exolix is a secure and anonymous crypto exchange service.
Exchange BTC to ZEC
Fast, secure and privacy-oriented BTC to ZEC exchange. Swap BTC to ZEC at the best exchange rate with Exolix.
Exchange BTC to ZEC in a Couple of Clicks
Exolix is the most secure and easy-to-manage Bitcoin to Zcash converter. It was developed to cover the growing need for a safe platform that has favorable conversion rates and guarantees complete anonymity. On Exolix, you can convert over 525 crypto coins without any daily limits on the number of exchanges. What’s more important, our system finds the most competitive swap rates and keeps them fixed from the moment you initiate your BTC to ZEC transaction.
Convert Bitcoin to Zcash (ZEC) Quickly and Easily via the Exolix Platform
Our converter has been designed with the idea of simplicity in mind. That’s why you don’t have to register to start an BTC/ZEC exchange; all you need to do is to follow these simple steps:
First of all, you need to select the cryptocurrency you intend to exchange (BTC). Then, select ZEC as the type of cryptocurrency you will receive once the swap is complete. Specify the amount you want to convert to learn how many ZEC coins you will receive. Once you do, our system fixes the rate and displays it on your screen. Enter your crypto wallet’s address and click “Exchange.”
The Exolix algorithm will provide you with the BTC address so that you can send the designated number of coins there. Thus, you initiate the exchange.
Forget about the troubles caused by market volatility. The Exolix system will keep the rates fixed throughout the duration of the swap.
Converted coins will appear in your wallet in 5 minutes to 2 hours. Check the transaction details to make sure everything is correct.
Explore the Full Functionality of the BTC to ZEC Converter by Exolix
Exolix’s innovative exchange tool has been evaluated as Excellent on Trustpilot. Here are the main advantages outlined by real people:
100% anonymity and security of your personal data. No registration or KYC verification is required.
Our system hunts for the most beneficial swap rates.
We make every possible effort to protect our customers; that’s why we fight down market volatility by fixing the best exchange rates till the transaction is completed.
You can convert 525+ cryptocurrencies. Imagine all of them being available on one platform!
You are not limited - swap as many coins as you want. The highest conversion speed is guaranteed.
Convert BTC to ZEC at the Speed of Light!
We take pride in providing the best BTC/ZEC swap services on the market, giving our clients everything they need: security, anonymity, simplicity, and high processing speed. Try out our platform for yourself - you won’t be able to choose any other solution after exchanging crypto through Exolix!
Exchange BTC to ZEC
Fast, secure and privacy-oriented Bitcoin to Zcash exchange. Swap BTC to ZEC at the best exchange rate with Exolix.
Frequently Asked Questions
The service does not charge any hidden or unreasonable fees.