Exchange BNB to ETH

Fast, secure and privacy-oriented BNB to ETH exchange. Swap BNB to ETH at the best exchange rate with Exolix.

Exchange BNB to ETH instantly on Exolix

There are many reasons for you to seek how to switch BNB to ETH in the most convenient manner. While it is true, that Binance Coin may be used for booking, cryptocurrency credit card payments, and even trading on a limited number of platforms, it rapidly loses its functionality beyond the borders of the Binance ecosystem. Ethereum, on the other hand, is much more convenient for trading, faster transactions, staking, and investments. Therefore, if you have a surplus of BNB tokens on your hands, you may convert BNB to ETH on Exolix.

How to convert BNB to ETH?

Converting BNB to ETH with Exolix is a satisfyingly simple and fast procedure. Here is a guide on BNB to ETH conversion:

  1. Select both tokens in the pop-up window.
  2. The system will automatically provide you with a wallet address.
  3. Enter the amount of BNB tokens you wish to swap.
  4. Check the exchange rate and decide between fixed and floating rates.
  5. Start the conversion.
  6. Once the system finishes the swap, you will get your shiny ETH tokens.

BNB to ETH exchange rate

Even though BNB started as a domestic coin, it quickly became involved in trading. The token remains, and most likely will remain, rather volatile. However, thanks to Exolix, once you know how to convert BNB to ETH, you may convert coins with a fixed rate, which completely freezes volatility during the transaction. You may notice that because of that Exolix does not charge any additional fees: the sum shown at the beginning of your transaction in the fixed rate mode is immune to changes.

Convert BNB to ETH at the best rates

Of course, Exolix offers you much more than a simple BNB to ETH swap. Here you can obtain a significant number of benefits, the most prominent of which include the following:

  • Anonymous exchange;
  • Limitless transactions;
  • Fully transparent exchange process.
  • Special affiliation program.

Remember to check the conversion rate before you decide to swap BNB to ETH. Although the transaction process is very simple, the system cannot reverse it once it has already begun. Therefore, make sure the chosen rate of your BNB to ETH swap suits you.

Exchange BNB to ETH

Fast, secure and privacy-oriented BNB to Ethereum exchange. Swap BNB to ETH at the best exchange rate with Exolix.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is verification required for the BNB to ETH exchange?dropwdown arrow icon

No, Exolix is a secure and anonymous crypto exchange service.

Are there additional BNB to ETH swap fees?dropwdown arrow icon

The service does not charge any hidden or unreasonable fees.