Exchange Zcash (ZEC) at the best rate

Zcash price chart

Zcash (ZEC) Price live, Cryptocurrency Zcash Price (USD), Market Cap and Supply

Live prices changes of Zcash. Highs and lows Zcash current prices.

Coin info
Coin info
24h Volume$19266193.87
Coin info
Market Cap$580633706.27
Coin info
Coin supply21000000.00
Coin info
24h % price1.45%
Coin info

Exchange Zcash (ZEC) on Exolix

Zcash is an anonymous, blockchain-based virtual currency. It was originally a fork of the Bitcoin code called Zerocoin in 2014. Zcash has begun work on a white paper prepared by Eli Ben-Sasson, Alessandro Chiesa, Christina Garman, Matthew Green, Jan Myers, Eran Tromer, and Madars Virza. The Zcash blockchain launched in 2016 with the goal of replicating Bitcoin with increased security and user anonymity, compared to other cryptocurrencies, Zcash provides greatly improved privacy.

The zero-knowledge proofs used by Zcash provide the previously discussed privacy and security. Among the earliest systems that depend on some type of zero-knowledge proof are zk-SNARKs (""short non-interactive zero-knowledge arguments""). Zk-SNARKs allow one party to verify that it has certain knowledge without revealing it, thereby confirming the data. Verification of “shielded” transactions using zk-snarks. Shielded transactions consist of at least one shielded address, encrypted sender, amount, and recipient information.

Zcash launched the mainnet for its major network upgrade, NU5, in 2021. By migrating Zcash to Halo's verification system, NU5 integrated Halo 2's zero-knowledge verification system (“Halo”). Halo Arc provides automatic migration, moving money to the most recent secure pool, ensuring the security of secure transactions."

Frequently Asked Questions

Zcash (ZEC) conversion rate on Exolixdropwdown arrow icon

Here you will find the best Zcash (ZEC) coin exchange rate available on the market

How to Buy ZEC coin?dropwdown arrow icon

"Just a few simple steps need to exchange Zcash (ZEC) coin Select a Zcash (ZEC) coin in the “You send” field, then select the coin you want to receive, send tokens to the address indicated on the screen, then it’s up to us, you will receive your coins in a couple of minutes"

Which is the best exchange to buy Zcash?dropwdown arrow icon

On Exolix exchange you will find the best possible rate for exchanging ZEC coin. We always try to provide our users with the best conditions.

Which is the most popular ZEC pair?dropwdown arrow icon

Users usually choose USDT to ZEC for exchange as this is one of the most popular trading shares on the market. Also users often choose pair ZEC/USDT one and ZEC/BTC