Exchange Tezos (XTZ) at the best rate

Tezos price chart

Tezos (XTZ) Price live, Cryptocurrency Tezos Price (USD), Market Cap and Supply

Live prices changes of Tezos. Highs and lows Tezos current prices.

Coin info
Coin info
24h Volume$15766353.70
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Market Cap$913377720.87
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Coin supply-
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24h % price0.08%
Coin info

Swap Tezos (XTZ) At the best rate

Tezos is a blockchain network that enables peer-to-peer transactions, as well as the deployment of smart contracts and decentralized applications. The developers of the Tezos platform have emphasized the importance of innovation and modernization of blockchain technologies such as Bitcoin.

Also, you could check our XTZ price prediction to have a broader view of future investments.

Tezos was founded in 2014 by Arthur and Kathleen Breitman under the name L.M. Goodman. In the project's whitepaper, they highlight Tezos' ability to avoid hard forks and reduce inequality between miners and cryptocurrency consumers. Tezos achieves this feature by acting as a self-correcting network. XTZ owners have the right to vote on recommendations for protocol improvements, which are then sent to Tezos developers. This ability allows changes to be made in real time, eliminating fragmentation of the community.

Tezos is also one of the first cryptocurrency assets to use a delegated proof-of-stake method. This allows the network to bypass the idea of mining by allowing stakeholders to delegate their XTZ to the network's validators. In this case, such validators are called “bakers,” and the PoS method is called a “baker.” Bakers are rewarded for their efforts and punished if they authorize an incorrect transaction, which affects the staker delegating their XTZ.

Tezos' seventh modernization proposal, Granada, was proposed in August 2021. Granada builds on the improvement of Florence and offers lower gas prices, increased completion and liquidity preservation

How to buy XTZ?

You could select the Tezos (XTZ) coin you need in the “You get” field. Next, you will be offered more than 2700+ coins that you can exchange at the best rate. After that, all you need to do is enter Tezos (XTZ) into the account we show you, and then it’s up to us. We will send your Tezos (XTZ) coin to your wallet in minutes

Frequently Asked Questions

Tezos (XTZ) conversion rate on Exolixdropwdown arrow icon

Here you will find the best Tezos (XTZ) coin exchange rate available on the market

Is XTZ a good investment?dropwdown arrow icon

While the Tezos blockchain had a successful 2021, it struggled in 2022, losing over 80% of its value. Although the situation improved during 2023–2024, it still lagged behind the overall cryptocurrency market.