Exchange WAX (WAXP) at the best rate

WAX price chart

WAX (WAXP) Price live, Cryptocurrency WAX Price (USD), Market Cap and Supply

Live prices changes of WAX. Highs and lows WAX current prices.

Coin info
Coin info
24h Volume$3517584.74
Coin info
Market Cap$106606638.57
Coin info
Coin supply-
Coin info
24h % price1.32%
Coin info

Exchange WAXP instantly on Exolix

WAX (WAXP) (often called the “King of NFTs”) is a purpose-built blockchain ecosystem focused on the integration of NFTs in all spheres of everyday life. Even though public perception of this invention has been severely compromised, there are no doubts about the gigantic potential of this technology. In addition, WAXP is also one of the most recognized and widely used ecosystems on the market. Surely, such an achievement directly influences the WAXP price chart. These promising results make WAXP a very appealing target for investments. If you wish to get a cut for yourself, don’t tarry! Visit Exolix, where you will find the best options for swift and limitless cryptocurrency transactions with moderate network fees.

How to buy WAX (WAXP)?

How to buy WAXP via Exolix? The platform is optimized for the widest range of users with a special emphasis on beginners. It means that you will be able to exchange WAX (WAXP) without any trouble — all necessary information is provided on the site. Additionally, you have the option to become an affiliate partner and receive a 0.5-2% cut when you swap WAXP. Please remember to double-check all essential details before you decide to convert tokens. Once activated, the exchanges cannot be annulated.

How to sell WAX (WAXP)?

Below is a brief guide that will help you understand how to sell WAXP on Exolix:

  1. Choose WAXP from the list of proposed tokens in the exchange sub-menu, choose its counterpart, and type how many WAXP coins you will spend.
  2. Decide which exchange rate will be active during the transaction. The number of obtained coins is calculated according to the actual WAXP price and the chosen conversion rate.
  3. Deposit your WAXP tokens in the generated wallet address.
  4. Wait approximately 15 minutes.
  5. You did it! Now launch your wallet and access the received tokens

Convert WAXP with lowest fees

With Exolix you may convert WAXP remaining 100% sure in the profitability of the provided conditions. Not only have we offered you the lowest fees, but our algorithms also track all available deals, finding the most beneficial offers automatically. Feel free to swap tokens with ease at the best exchange platform on the Internet!

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the fees for WAX (WAXP) exchange?dropwdown arrow icon

Exolix is a fast, anonymous, reliable and fully transparent cryptocurrency exchange built by crypto enthusiasts, for crypto enthusiasts. Exolix offers an intuitive interface, secure transactions, favorable exchange rates. The service does not charge any hidden or unreasonable fees for WAX (WAXP) swaps. We are a group of multi-disciplinary cryptocurrency professionals.

What is WAX (WAXP) conversion rate?dropwdown arrow icon

On Exolix you will discover the most prifitable WAX (WAXP) conversion rate on the market.

How to Buy WAX (WAXP) coin?dropwdown arrow icon

Here is the simple way to swap WAXP to 2700+ coins to any Just select the WAX (WAXP) coin in the "You Send" field, choose the coin you need, send accounts to the wallet on the screen, and wait a couple of minutes for the transaction to be done.