Exchange Syscoin (SYS) at the best rate

Syscoin price chart

Syscoin (SYS) Price live, Cryptocurrency Syscoin Price (USD), Market Cap and Supply

Live prices changes of Syscoin. Highs and lows Syscoin current prices.

Coin info
Coin info
24h Volume$624413.26
Coin info
Market Cap$85051889.36
Coin info
Coin supply-
Coin info
24h % price1.98%
Coin info

What is Syscoin (SYS)?

Syscoin token is a layer 1 and layer 2 blockchain system that combines mining with Bitcoin and intends to make the cryptocurrency more accessible to the masses. Sebastian Schepis founded it in 2014 with the goal of combining Bitcoin and Ethereum blockchain technologies. One of the first things Shepis created on the Syscoin 1.0 blockchain was the marketplace that Satoshi Nakamoto originally planned for Bitcoin. Users can use the native SYS token to make purchases on the said marketplace.

Also, you could check our SYS price prediction to have a broader view of future investments.

Syscoin crypto has developed technology that offers scalable microtransactions, security compatible with the Bitcoin core, and strong interoperability. In the past, it could work with any ERC-20 coins without the need for other liquidity providers. This was achieved using Syscoin Bridge, a blockchain bridge that is a two-way peg (2WP) and can still be used with other blockchains. The Syscoin bridge will be restored to the Ethereum blockchain in Syscoin 4.2, allowing smart contracts to be executed. Additionally, Z-DAG technology, which is active on layer 1 of the Syscoin blockchain, reduces transaction speed and costs to a minimum.

In December 2021, the Syscoin platform implemented the Network-Enhanced Virtual Machine (NEVM) mainnet. With Bitcoin's PoW method used through the Syscoin blockchain, NEVM will provide scalability for smart cities without increasing prices or transaction speeds while maintaining security.

How to Swap Syscoin (SYS)?

First of all, select the Syscoin (SYS) coin you need in the “You send” field. Next, you will be offered more than 2700+ coins that you can exchange at the best rate. After that, all you need to do is enter Syscoin (SYS) into the provided account, and then it’s up to us. We will send your funds to your wallet in minutes

Frequently Asked Questions

Syscoin (SYS) conversion rate on Exolixdropwdown arrow icon

Here you will find the best Syscoin (SYS) coin exchange rate available on the market

How to Buy SYS coin?dropwdown arrow icon

Few simple steps are needed to exchange Syscoin (SYS) coin Select a Syscoin (SYS) coin in the “You send” field, then select the coin you want to receive, send tokens to the address indicated on the screen, then it’s up to us, you will receive your coins in a couple of minutes"

What exchanges have Syscoin?dropwdown arrow icon

You could find Syscoin (SYS) on Exolix exchange with lowest fees and the best swap rates.