Exchange Hamster (HAM) at the best rate

Hamster price chart

How to exchange Hamster (HAM)?

Do you want to exchange Hamster or buy another coin? This is a great idea, and you can do it at the most favorable rate on our website. On Exolix you can exchange Hamster for any other coin from those presented on our website with a minimum commission and fast transaction completion.

Step 1 - Enter exchange details

For example, let's swap Hamster to Bitcoin. In the "You Send" field, choose "HAM" from the drop-down menu and type the amount of coins you would like to exchange. Then, in the "You Get" field, select "BTC". After that, the "You Get" field will automatically calculate the amount you will receive. Then click the "Exchange" button.

Step 2 - Deposit

Exolix will generate the Hamster deposit address for you. Send the necessary amount of the HAM to it and after we receive your coins, the exchange process will begin

Step 3 - Final

Let Exolix do all work to find the best rates on the market and process the exchange as fast as possible. Your BTC will be sent to you just in a few minutes.

What is Hamster?

HamsterCoin is a new meme cryptocurrency released on the BNB Smart Chain. HamsterCoin was created with the goal of offering users a "more powerful and secure" meme token, HamsterCoin provides basic peer-to-peer (P2P) payment functionality and is primarily used for trading and providing liquidity.

HamsterCoin includes a rewards protocol that distributes BTC rewards to holders. Officially, HamsterCoin, 4% of rewards are distributed to HAM holders, 4% to liquidity pool growth and 4% to buyback initiatives.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Hamster a good investment?dropwdown arrow icon

At this point, it is too early to draw conclusions on whether HAM is a good investment. The zkSync asset has a short history, so it is difficult to predict whether the price will rise or fall. So, answering the question whether a Hamster is a good investment in 2024, we advise you to conduct a personal analysis and make a decision based on market trends

Is the Hamster coin real?dropwdown arrow icon

Yes, Hamster (HAM) is a new meme-coin issued on BNB Chain.