Exchange The Graph (GRT) at the best rate

The Graph price chart

The Graph (GRT) Price live, Cryptocurrency The Graph Price (USD), Market Cap and Supply

Live prices changes of The Graph. Highs and lows The Graph current prices.

Coin info
Coin info
24h Volume$21900337.39
Coin info
Market Cap$1929003806.73
Coin info
Coin supply-
Coin info
24h % price3.17%
Coin info

Since the introduction of the highly lucrative staking option, we have observed a great number of diverse cryptocurrencies geared towards especially efficient staking. Even though GRT had a tough start, this cryptocurrency demonstrates promising potential, which makes it an appealing choice for those traders who wish to diversify their assets. Fortunately, if you are looking for an exchange platform that will allow you to conduct multiple transactions with various tokens, including GRT, you have chosen wisely! With Exolix you are free to convert GRT as well as more than 400 other tokens without registration or maximal limits. Here you don’t have to share your personal information, constantly track the GRT price movements on the GRT price chart, or worry about the most beneficial exchange conditions. On the contrary, Exolix will take care of all the nuances of your deals, feeding you with the most optimal choices, charging exceptionally low fees, and safeguarding your exchanges.

How to buy GRT?

Below you will find a concise guide that will teach you how to buy GRT via our platform. Follow these steps to swap GRT on Exolix:

  1. Find a pair of tokens, which you are ready to swap, in the list.
  2. Decide between fixed and floating GRT exchange rates.
  3. Type the number of tokens you wish to swap to purchase GRT in the transfer menu.
  4. Deposit your tokens into the provided wallet address.
  5. You will have to wait no more than 15 minutes before the GRT transfer will be finished.

How to sell GRT?

In addition to the ability to exchange GRT under favorable conditions, you may also learn how to sell GRT with an even higher profit. With Exolis you may obtain a significant bonus each time users convert GRT or other tokens via affiliated deals. To receive such bonuses you have to become an affiliate partner – the procedure is simple and may be finished in a couple of minutes. The affiliate program includes the following options:

  • API-integration, which allows you to increase your profits thanks to the integration of fixed and floating exchange flows.
  • Referral links, which allow you to obtain tokens for attracted users.
  • Exchange widget.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the fees for The Graph (GRT) exchange?dropwdown arrow icon

Exolix is a fast, anonymous, reliable and fully transparent cryptocurrency exchange built by crypto enthusiasts, for crypto enthusiasts. Exolix offers an intuitive interface, secure transactions, favorable exchange rates. The service does not charge any hidden or unreasonable fees for The Graph (GRT) swaps. We are a group of multi-disciplinary cryptocurrency professionals.

What is The Graph (GRT) conversion rate?dropwdown arrow icon

On Exolix you will discover the most prifitable The Graph (GRT) conversion rate on the market.

How to Buy The Graph (GRT) coin?dropwdown arrow icon

Here is the simple way to swap GRT to 2700+ coins to any Just select the The Graph (GRT) coin in the "You Send" field, choose the coin you need, send accounts to the wallet on the screen, and wait a couple of minutes for the transaction to be done.