Exchange PancakeSwap (CAKE) at the best rate

PancakeSwap price chart

PancakeSwap (CAKE) Price live, Cryptocurrency PancakeSwap Price (USD), Market Cap and Supply

Live prices changes of PancakeSwap. Highs and lows PancakeSwap current prices.

Coin info
Coin info
24h Volume$13888845.14
Coin info
Market Cap$423783850.97
Coin info
Coin supply450000000.00
Coin info
24h % price-1.58%
Coin info

Although the market seems packed with various kitchen-themed cryptocurrencies (one may only wonder how many times inattentive users have swapped BAKE instead of PancakeSwap), CAKE manages to stand out from the crowd of its competitors. Innovative and quickly growing, this altcoin provides stacking, liquidity mining, and lending options. Although its market value remains dependent on its maternal platform, CAKE represents a great option for careful investments and exchanges. And when it comes to protected yet instant cryptocurrency transactions, you simply cannot find a better option than Exolix. We offer you unlimited exchange conditions, complete anonymity, full absence of the KYC system, and a custodial-free experience. Furthermore, here you will get moderate network fees along with guaranteed beneficial exchange for all available cryptocurrencies.

How to buy CAKE?

If you want to know how to buy CAKE, bear in mind that with Exolix, this procedure is indeed very convenient. Just follow these steps to convert CAKE at our site:

  1. Decide what cryptocurrency you are going to swap to CAKE and choose it from the menu.
  2. Next, choose CAKE.
  3. Enter the number of coins prepared for the exchange.
  4. Check the CAKE price, which will be displayed right in the swap box — there is no need to study the CAKE price chart since our software will make all the calculations automatically.
  5. Choose between fixed and floating rates before you start the CAKE conversion.
  6. The system will provide you with a newly created wallet. Deposit your tokens there.
  7. Wait 10-15 minutes until the CAKE transaction is done.

How to sell CAKE?

You are free to swap CAKE using more than 400 available cryptocurrencies. Hence, you can significantly increase the effectiveness of your CAKE trading, by choosing the most lucrative option according to the quickly evolving situation on the market.

Convert CAKE with lowest fees

There is also another way to convert CAKE with better results. You can join our affiliate program: this trait makes it possible to exchange CAKE as well as all other available cryptocurrencies with an additional profit of up to 2%. If you wish to learn how to sell CAKE with passive income, read more about it on our site.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the fees for PancakeSwap (CAKE) exchange?dropwdown arrow icon

Exolix is a fast, anonymous, reliable and fully transparent cryptocurrency exchange built by crypto enthusiasts, for crypto enthusiasts. Exolix offers an intuitive interface, secure transactions, favorable exchange rates. The service does not charge any hidden or unreasonable fees for PancakeSwap (CAKE) swaps. We are a group of multi-disciplinary cryptocurrency professionals.

What is PancakeSwap (CAKE) conversion rate?dropwdown arrow icon

On Exolix you will discover the most prifitable PancakeSwap (CAKE) conversion rate on the market.

How to Buy PancakeSwap (CAKE) coin?dropwdown arrow icon

Here is the simple way to swap CAKE to 2700+ coins to any Just select the PancakeSwap (CAKE) coin in the "You Send" field, choose the coin you need, send accounts to the wallet on the screen, and wait a couple of minutes for the transaction to be done.