No, Exolix is a secure and anonymous crypto exchange service.
Exchange BNB to FTM
Fast, secure and privacy-oriented BNB to FTM exchange. Swap BNB to FTM at the best exchange rate with Exolix.
Exchange BNB to FTM instantly on Exolix
Aren’t you tired of long transactions? Don’t you wish you could convert BNB to FTM without limits? Haven’t you wondered whether it is possible to swap tokens anonymously? If the answer is positive, Exolix provides a perfect solution for you. This is an innovative and highly reliable exchange platform focused on complete confidentiality. You can use it as an almost instant exchange service not only to swap BNB to FTM or FTM to BNB, but also to deal with more than 400 hundred other cryptocurrencies. Among its numerous advantages, the most beneficial are the following:
- No upper limits: you can convert as many BNB, FTM, ETH, BTC, or even DOGE as you like;
- No registration required: no KYC, no authentication, no private data;
- Fast transactions: an average exchange takes no more than 15 minutes;
- Various options: both fixed and floating rates.
- Passive income: the Affiliate program.
How to convert BNB to FTM?
Here is a quick guide on how to swap BNB to FTM on Exolix:
- Select the desired cryptocurrency pair (in this case BNB and FTM) from the menu;
- Enter the number of BNB coins that you wish to swap.
- The system will automatically calculate the number of FTM coins you are going to get including the fee in the transaction;
- The system will generate a wallet address for you;
- Send you BNB coins, initiating the exchange procedure;
- The system will provide the transaction and send you the converted FTM coins.
Binance Coin to Fantom exchange rate
Before you decide on your BNB to FTM swap, check the exchange rate. The system will inform you about the number of coins you are going to receive right before the swap. While Binance Coin is actively used in trading within the Binance ecosystem, Fantom is one of the most popular choices among those who prefer staking: Fantom demonstrates a fairly lucrative dynamic in this sphere.
Exchange BNB to FTM at the best rates
Swapping your BNB to FTM is a great decision, if you wish to try all the new possibilities of the Fantom’s native token: highly beneficial staking rewards, respectability, and tendencies for steady growth make it a splendid choice.
Swap BNB to FTM
Convert BNB to Fantom easily on Exolix. Swap BNB to FTM at the best trade rates and 24/7 customer support.
Frequently Asked Questions
The service does not charge any hidden or unreasonable fees.