Exchange THETA to XRP

Fast, secure and privacy-oriented THETA to XRP exchange. Swap THETA to XRP at the best exchange rate with Exolix.

Exchange THETA to XRP Quickly, Securely, and Anonymously

Are you looking for a convenient exchange platform that meets all of your requirements? Lucky for you, the Exolix converter has everything you need and even more. Convert THETA to XRP without creating an account or sharing any sensitive data. No KYC verification is required! We guarantee the most favorable rates, complete anonymity, and the absence of any swap limits. 

Exchange THETA in Four Simple Steps

We have designed our converter to make it as easy to use and valuable as possible. As a result, now you can securely exchange THETA for XRP by following these guidelines:

  1. Select the cryptocurrency you want to convert (THETA) and the type of coins you want to receive (XRP). Specify the amount in the respective field. Rest assured that we will fix the lowest conversion rate to protect you from market volatility. It will be kept set until the conversion is completed. Enter the address of your wallet in the corresponding field and click "Exchange." 
  2. Then our system will generate a THETA address for you to deposit THETA coins which will be later converted to XRP. 
  3. Exolix always finds the best exchange rate. Your satisfaction is our principal objective.
  4. You will receive the exchanged amount in XRP upon completion of the conversion and see transaction details.

Your Perfect THETA Converter by Exolix

Our users express a remarkable unanimity while rating the Exolix services; their final verdict is excellent - check it out yourself on Trustpilot. By choosing our exchange service, you can take advantage of the following benefits:

  • No registration is required. We respect our users and support their right to remain anonymous. 
  • Our service was created to compare and choose the best possible exchange rates on the respective market.
  • The market can disappoint with its volatility; to help you avoid unpleasant surprises, Exolix fixes rates before the transaction is initiated.
  • As we have over 525 cryptos, it's not only possible to convert THETA to XRP but also XRP to THETA with our Ripple converter.
  • We don’t set limits on the number of coins you can convert daily.
  • High-security standards are maintained.

Convert to Ripple (XRP) Without a Hitch!

From now on, you have access to 525+ cryptocurrencies without having to pass a KYC verification or share a single piece of your personal information. The Exolix cryptocurrency exchange platform allows you to convert as many coins as you want at the lowest fee, fixed from the moment the transaction is initiated until it’s complete.


Convert Theta Token to Ripple easily on Exolix. Swap THETA to XRP at the best trade rates and 24/7 customer support.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is verification required for the THETA to XRP exchange?dropwdown arrow icon

No, Exolix is a secure and anonymous crypto exchange service.

Are there additional THETA to XRP swap fees?dropwdown arrow icon

The service does not charge any hidden or unreasonable fees.